August has so many anniversaries

Header image is from a Medium article.

It’s the last day of August. I haven’t posted shit because I’m a dirty slacker. Megadeth is blasting in my ears and I’m pouring whisky on the rocks for every project I’ve left behind or never finished, here’s to them. Johnnie Walker has never tasted so good. Continuar a ler “August has so many anniversaries”

My computer is tearing itself apart

It’s been a month since I’ve last posted here. Well, that’s due to a handful of problems.

Continuar a ler “My computer is tearing itself apart”

[Game Review] Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

I know I haven’t posted shit in a while. With the final preparations for Tiago’s Journey and the release of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, I haven’t found much time to post. Also laziness. I’m a lazy piece of shit.

With Christmas just around the corner, you may be thinking about buying a videogame or two. Today, I’m bringing you a review on Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.

Disclaimer: the following review is sure to have spoilers, so proceed with caution. I’ll put a spoiler-less Too Long;Didn’t Read on the next paragraph.

Continuar a ler “[Game Review] Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon”

New designs! And even more design!

Hello! I’ve been very excited to work on the blog’s new cover images, featured images, etc. now that I’ve learned to fiddle a bit with Photoshop.

I designed a new icon for the blog, as you can see on your browser’s tab. It’s simple, yet I like it so much. I’ve also designed a new home page image, which I think it goes pretty well with the rest of the blog’s design and theme. I’m looking forward to change A Morbid Mind‘s visual little by little.

I’ve made another decision, too: these kind of news/announcement posts will be written in English only instead of the old English/Portuguese system because I’ve figured out most of my portuguese readers know English and those that don’t can see a tab with my portuguese content at the top of the blog.

From today on I’ll start working on the mess that this blog’s tags are; I’ll put them visible once I’m done for search and organization purposes.

Thanks for your attention and I hope you’ll like the header and cover images I’ll be putting on the blog as much as I do.

I’m still alive!

Yeah, I haven’t posted in a while. This is because a whole lotta things happened in this past month:

  • I had my finals, so I couldn’t post because I was busy pretending to be studying.
  • The day after my first exam I caught an ugly fever and throat infection. Was struggling to get out of the bed for a few days, living through the magnificient technology that a smartphone is.
  • The day after my final exam I went on vacation in a place where I barely had an internet. I took some horrible quality pictures and intend to post them on the blog today or at least tomorrow.

So, yeah, that’s about it! I wrote some things while on holidays that I have to post here. Poems and poems and one or another shortie and more poems.

‘Twas a fun week, but home is home.

Eu não tenho postado, aliás, no mês passado só postei duas vezes. Isto foi porque o mês de Junho foi imensamente atribulado para mim:

  • Tive que fazer os exames nacionais, então passei grande parte do meu tempo a fingir que estava a estudar.
  • No dia a seguir ao exame de português apanhei uma febre forte e fiquei com uma amigdalite feia. Fiquei uns bons dias na cama, a viver a tecnologia através do telemóvel.
  • No dia a seguir ao meu exame final eu fui de férias para Idanha-a-Nova, um sítio com muito pouca internet. Eu tirei umas fotografias com péssima qualidade e pretendo mostrá-las no blog hoje ou amanhã.

E pronto, para mim Junho foi isto. Escrevi bastantes poemas e algumas pequenas histórias neste mês e pretendo infestar o blog com elas.

As férias foram boas, mas o lar é mais doce que qualquer sobremesa do mundo.

News and lazyness / Notícias e preguiça

As you may have seen, we have a new header for the blog. I must thank Rafa from Metalsphere, a portuguese heavy metal webzine. Without his work we wouldn’t have such a simple yet shiny and beautiful new header.

Between the release of the new Hearthstone’s expansion, the beginning of my journey to collect every card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online and the Easter holidays, I may end up posting less content in the following two weeks.

Feel free to follow me on Twitter, where I shitpost on a daily basis.

Como já devem ter reparado o blog tem um novo header, cortesia do Rafa da Metalsphere, uma webzine portuguesa de heavy metal. Sem o seu trabalho não seria possível exibir uma capa tão bonitinha aqui no blog.

Com o lançamento da nova expansão do Hearthstone, o início da minha jornada para obter todas as cartas do Pokémon Trading Card Game Online e as férias da Páscoa, eu devo postar menos nas seguintes semanas.

Sintam-se à vontade para me seguirem no Twitter, onde eu merdaposto diariamente.

New design / Novo visual

Hello everyone! Unfortunately, due to real life problems I couldn’t post much this week but here I am now, doing great.

As you might have noticed (or not), the blog’s design is different. Now the categories are both displayed at the top and right side of the blog, in English and Portuguese.

I´ve also reworked the Home Page to be kind of a “Welcome” section, and I’m planning on adding a cover image to both the home page and the header in the near future.

Olá a todos! Infelizmente tive que me ausentar por uns dias devido a uns problemas com a vida, que me queria pôr debaixo da cova. Mas agora tou fixe e pronto a postar de novo.

Como podem ter reparado (ou não), o blog está agora com um novo design. Agora as categorias são separadas por português e inglês e estão expostas tanto na parte lateral direita do blog como em cima.

Também mudei a Home Page para uma página estática, assim uma espécie de tapete de boas vindas. Planeio também adicionar uma imagem na Home Page e mudar o header do blog daqui a uns dias.